About Us

Women’s International Center was founded in 1982 as a non-profit education and service foundation [501c3] with the mission to ‘acknowledge, honor, encourage, and educate women’. For more than thirty years at our Living Legacy Awards ceremonies we have brought people together to celebrate the accomplishments and positive lasting contributions of women. Many now appreciate and hopefully incorporate the gifts women have given to improve the world. We have gathered some of civilization’s great women and men whose deeds have benefited humanity. Our honoree list of over 300 is a veritable a ‘Who’s Who’ of global innovators.

Historically, Women’s International Center has assisted women internationally through our foreign assistance programs and has provided educational and safety information, as well as economic resources to refugees and displaced women. Our activities have included working directly with national and local refugee organizations; assisting women to adapt and adjust to living in the United States; providing economic, medical, and personal safety information to those in need; assisting many women to receive academic acceptance and gainful employment. Women’s International Center has also provided charitable gifts to non-profit organizations offering aid and/or safehouses for battered or homeless women, and we have proudly presented many thousands of dollars in Sisterships and educational scholarships to scores of girls and women since 1983. We are committed to sustainable and environmentally sensitive solutions for our world.


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